Diffusing Offense

Diffusing Offense

Offense is on the rise. So is blame. If I can influence only one thing with my writing, my wish is to influence members of the next generation to rise up and take responsibility for themselves. Stop blaming the government, your school, your parents, your boss, or the...

Harrowing? What is THAT?!

“Harrowing the Habits” I chose the word “harrowing” because it complements “cultivating” in the book’s title. Both “harrowing” and “cultivating” relate to farming, and consequently, growing. They serve...

Character defined

“Character is built into the spiritual fabric of personality hour by hour, day by day, year by year in much the same deliberate way that physical health is built into the body.” – E. Lamar Kincaid In his late twenties, Benjamin Franklin documented...