Feeding Your Mind and Planting Seeds of Success

Feeding Your Mind and Planting Seeds of Success

“No man is free who is not master of himself.” – Epictetus Resolutions are those goals set at the beginning of every year. They are almost like a goal to failure. Ben Franklin is known for penning some of his writing under the name of Mrs. Silence...
Letting Go

Letting Go

“Let it Go.” Disney nailed it with this popular song from Frozen. It’s the song everyone learned, and learned to hate. Or learned to grow tired of, at least. But whenever I feel overwhelmed or stress, I can let loose and sing that song. Benjamin...

Harrowing? What is THAT?!

“Harrowing the Habits” I chose the word “harrowing” because it complements “cultivating” in the book’s title. Both “harrowing” and “cultivating” relate to farming, and consequently, growing. They serve...
Habits are not sexy

Habits are not sexy

A habit is something only you are able to make happen, change, or add to your life. No one will do it for you. You have to take the action required if you want something different in the future. What things are habits in your life? Brushing your teeth, driving to...

Character defined

“Character is built into the spiritual fabric of personality hour by hour, day by day, year by year in much the same deliberate way that physical health is built into the body.” – E. Lamar Kincaid In his late twenties, Benjamin Franklin documented...